Over the years, the continent of Africa has been attributed a certain perception by both the outside world and itself of having suffering children, starving families and only biodiversity to its praise. Meanwhile, this perception is very far from the truth about the beauty that exists on the Black Continent.
This is why US-based Ugandan filmmaker, Jordan Sekatawa is working on the 'Uganda We Rise' film project; to pour more light into the world's dark bowl of ignorance as regards what living in Uganda (and Africa as a whole) looks like. Jordan plans to show the world that Ugandans are hardworking and creative through this film.
The film which is set to premier in May, 2021 has been gathering much anticipation as it sets out to define the new Uganda and showcase the creativity of its citizens.
Jordan Sekatawa was born in Uganda, but moved to the United States at the age of sixteen. He was always thrilled as a kid by the excitement in the eyes of white visitors every time they stopped by his house to have an idea of what an African home looks like. This spurred him to start telling stories about Africa and his home, Uganda - firstly through music, and then music videos, and now through documentary films.

"I want people to watch the film and rethink the potentials of Uganda. Of course, there's the political and economic issues in the country. And every country has those. I need the world to see that Ugandans are hardworking and not lazy or any other false story that any other person might portray."
Jordan plans to use the 'Uganda We Rise' film to contribute towards changing the Ugandan narrative and extensively that of Africa too.
Inspite of his growing global success in the United States, Jordan carries a passion for African creators who are pushing the African narrative.

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